‘Entangled in Costa Rica’ Special Screening & Discussion

‘Entangled in Costa Rica’ documentary: Special Screening and Discussion with the Filmmaker and Local Scientists ‘Entangled in Costa Rica’ will take you under the waters of the Eastern Tropical Pacific where Innoceana is working to put an end to the brutal and costly net entanglement crisis. In recognition of their work and unwavering passion to […]
Marine Mammals Management Toolkit at the Mediterranean MPA 2020 Forum

On November 30th, Francis introduced the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit at the Mediterranean MPA 2020 Forum in Monaco. The presentation was delivered under the theme “A showcase of initiatives for mobile species conservation” and was delivered alongside presentations focusing on the need for population-level monitoring of cetaceans and support mechanisms for filling knowledge gaps for […]
Real-Time Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in the Mediterranean

The passive acoustic monitoring of cetaceans is a research method that can provide unique information on the animal’s behaviour since the animals can be studied at great depths and at a long-range without interference. Nevertheless, the real-time data collection, transfer, and analysis using these techniques are difficult to implement and maintain. In this paper, “Real-Time […]
CARI’MAM Acoustic Survey Video

CARI’MAM have released a new video exampling acoustic sampling of Cetaceans in the Caribbean. The <5 minute video provides an insight into the survey methods utilised within the CARI’MAM network, the equipment for acoustic surveys and the process from collecting and analysing the data to utilising the results. Watch below or visit CARI’MAM’s YouTube channel […]
Is humpback song for finding instead of attracting?

Think of common courtship displays in the animal kingdom, like the flashy display of a peacock’s tail or the treetop melody of a songbird’s tune. Each is relatively constant. The brilliant colors in a male peacock’s plumage do not change during its attempts to attract a female. And songbirds rely on repetition, like top-40 radio […]
New Caspian Sea IMMAs awarded to endangered Caspian seals

Caspian seals (Pusa caspica) live only in the Caspian Sea — located in western Asia, the largest landlocked waterbody in the world. They have been on the IUCN endangered list since 2008, having declined by more than 70% in the 20th Century, primarily because they have been hunted for their fur and blubber. On the […]
Help build the new management plan for the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

A draft management plan and environmental assessment for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary was released on November 30th 2021 by NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. The draft management plan, prepared with input from the Sanctuary Advisory Council and the public, revises the sanctuary’s 2010 management plan. NOAA is accepting comments from the public until January 21st 2022. Stellwagen […]