The Ocean Governance Project

The Ocean Governance Project was established to meet the European Union (EU) objectives set out in the EU Joint Communication on International Ocean Governance and the Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy.  It will contribute to the aims of the European Green Deal and EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, and to EU global commitments under the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD).

Turtle © Gregory Piper

The project will undertake activities to protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and foster cooperation and security in South East Asia. It will build partnerships between MPAs in this region and in the Atlantic Basin to support the promotion and exchange of knowledge. The three-year project (starting January 2020) will bring together networks of MPA managers, MPA managers, national and local administrations, regional organisations, local communities, the private sector and non-governmental organisations.

It builds on the experience of the Transatlantic MPA project funded by the EU (2016-19), which promoted a transatlantic partnership through developing partnerships and twinning activities between marine protected areas in the Atlantic basin.


The purpose of the project is:


The key components of the project are:

Increased knowledge and practice of protecting and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems in three selected areas of marine protected areas in the South East Asian region.
Improved management of marine protected areas around the Atlantic Ocean using the concept of shared environmental protection.
Strengthened knowledge exchange between Atlantic and South East Asian marine and coastal regions.
Improved basis for dialogue among marine and coastal stakeholders in the South East Asian region.
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