Good Practices

This page has been designed to present examples of good practices implemented throughout Marine Protected Areas and the marine environment concerning marine mammal management, MPA design, impact alleviation and monitoring.

“Good Practices” may take the form of practical activities on the ground, measures that promote social participation, instruments of an economic, legal or institutional nature, or innovative and effective techniques that contribute significantly to marine mammal protection and management, to sustainable development in adjacent coastal and marine areas, and are highlighted as effective means to achieve conservation and management goals. In the context of marine mammal management, this, for example, could include following the latest guidance on effective MPA design to ensure projects are guided by the best available science.

Compiling and understanding the best-available good practices is a critical step in any MPA design. However, the local, national, and regional drivers will often differ between project locations and thus, MPA managers should utilise good practice resources as a guiding tool and integrate concepts within the initial design phases.

The good practice resources presented on this page are linked to the available toolkit factsheets and group appropriately under each factsheet theme which in turn, support the self-assessment tool (SAT). It is recommended that the good practice resources presented here are utilised in synergy with SAT results to facilitate MPA management plan adjustments.



To support the development of resources available to MPA managers, practitioners, and policy makers, for the protection of marine mammals, you can now submit your examples of Good Practices to feature on the Toolkit. Click the submit button below to be directed to a dedicated submission page and once submitted the Marine Mammal Twinning will collaborate with you to prepare your submission for the Toolkit. 

Available Resources

Whale SENSE: Consumer Choices Matter

Addressing Activities & Threats

Licensing of Scientific Research Activities in Bermuda's Exclusive Economic Zone

Addressing Activities & Threats

Whale Seeker: Empowering Sustainable Decision-making Through Automated Marine Mammal Detection

Research & Monitoring


Addressing Activities & Threats

The SIREN App; A Mobile App and an empowered Citizen Network

Research & Monitoring

Coming Soon

Defining a Good Practice

The criteria that define a good practice can vary depending on the field of application, differing localised contexts and bio-geographical regional differences.  A key criterion in defining a “good practice ” for marine mammals and marine protected areas is its long-term positive impact on a given species, population and spatial application including its resources. However, the true impacts of good practice implementation may only become apparent several years after a particular practice has begun. Therefore, the following broad criteria can be used to facilitate the identification of good practices:

  • Positive and enduring impact on marine mammals and spatial area
  • The methods and technologies used are innovative and effective
  • Techniques and methods used are not overly complex, transferable, and can be easily implemented and adapted to a range of local, social, and cultural contexts
  • There is close participation on the part of all beneficiaries and parties involved
  • Local socio-economic and cultural factors are taken into consideration and/or the practice is based on cultural traditions. 
  • The practice strengthens the capacities of local communities, organisations and/or individuals concerned.
  • The activities are integrated and enable coordination amongst the various sectors of activity within the target zone
  • The practice allows for facilitation in the management of possible conflicts between users
  • And the good practice can be continuously monitored and assessed once implemented.

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