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Webinar: Marine Mammal Bycatch Risk Assessment in Chile

Credit: Todd Cravens

The Lenfest Ocean Program is hosting a webinar on ocean modelling forum’s marine mammal bycatch working group on March 24th 2022. Building off of the Marine Mammal Bycatch Working Group’s efforts, a team of researchers is working with managers, scientists, and local fishing communities to assess marine mammal bycatch risk along the coast of Chile. In […]

Webinar: Ocean Modeling Forum’s Marine Mammal Bycatch Working Group

The Lenfest Ocean Program is hosting a webinar on ocean modelling forum’s marine mammal bycatch working group on March 10th 2022. Join LENFEST Ocean Program for a round table discussion featuring members of the Working Group sharing their main findings and final products on how to develop and implement assessments of marine mammal bycatch. Experts will […]

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