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The Twinning’s Final Partners Workshop 2023

From October 16 – 18, the Marine Mammal Twinning hosted its final partners workshop, in collaboration with Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in Scituate (MA), United States of America. In total, over 15 MPA managers, marine mammal experts, and researchers, representing 6 countries (USA, France, Mexico, Iceland, UK and Bermuda), convened for a packed 3 […]

NW Mediterranean PSSA Designated to Protect Whales

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has designated the North-Western Mediterranean Sea as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) to reduce collisions between ships and endangered whales. The decision, proposed by Spain, France, Italy, and Monaco, aims to address the major cause of mortality for sperm whales and fin whales in this region, which is collisions […]

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