Whale Heritage Sites, what are they?

In an effort to protect and celebrate the world’s most charismatic marine creatures, the concept of “Whale Heritage Sites” has emerged as a beacon of hope for whale conservationists worldwide. These sites are dedicated areas recognised for their commitment to safeguarding the natural habitat of whales and promoting sustainable whale-watching practices. As more and more […]
NW Mediterranean PSSA Designated to Protect Whales

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has designated the North-Western Mediterranean Sea as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) to reduce collisions between ships and endangered whales. The decision, proposed by Spain, France, Italy, and Monaco, aims to address the major cause of mortality for sperm whales and fin whales in this region, which is collisions […]
Iceland Suspends Fin Whale Hunting

Reykjavik, Iceland – On the 20th June 2023 in a landmark decision, Icelandic Fisheries Minister Svandís Svavarsdóttir announces that the country will suspend fin whale hunting until the end of August 2023. This decision comes after a thorough examination by experts from Iceland’s Animal Welfare Board, who concluded that the hunting methods employed by whalers […]
Shipping Company Saving Endangered Sperm Whales

One of the largest shipping companies in Europe, DFDS, will alter their routes and slow down to reduce the risk of collisions with endangered sperm whales in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The planned changes should halve the risk of DFDS ships colliding with sperm whales in the areas west of the Peloponnese. The Danish-based company […]
WWF: Whale Superhighway Needs Urgent Protection

WWF and the marine mammal science community is calling for renewed cooperation with the aim of protecting migrating whale populations by mitigating threats and implementing measurable change across the Eastern Pacific Ocean region. WWF and their partners have identified actions for governments, industry, and individuals to safeguard migratory routes in the region by 2030. The […]
Stakeholders’ involvement: a win for marine mammals in the Canadian Arctic

In July 2022, the Government of Canada announced an investment of $7.46 million in the co-management of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in Canada’s western Arctic, in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. The investment will be allocated to the co-management of the Tarium Niryutait and Anguniaqvia niqiqyuam MPAs, in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Both MPAs contribute to […]
Considering the effects of maritime industries on marine mammals

A recent study by Hague et al. has investigated how marine mammals are considered in Cumulative Effects Assessments (CEAs), which are a mandatory step for businesses carrying Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs). Reviewing 93 different CEAs in across 11 maritime industries, the research identified a knowledge gap in the accounting of marine mammals in CEAs, and […]