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IUCN Motion Adopted to Reduce Impacts of Incidental Capture

On September 8th 2021, at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, motion 027 – Reducing impacts of incidental capture on threatened marine species– was adopted. The motion calls for, among other things, actions to reduce the bycatch of Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ETP) marine species that is resulting in significant pressure to ETP species. The motion […]

Guidelines to prevent and reduce bycatch of marine mammals in capture fisheries

The Guidelines to Prevent and Reduce Bycatch of Marine Mammals in Capture Fisheries were produced by FAO in response to the request from the Committee on Fisheries at its Thirty-third Session in 2018 to develop technical guidelines on this subject, and are directed at decision-makers, planners, managers and all those involved in developing and implementing policy and technical interventions which relate to the bycatch of marine mammals in fisheries.

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