Marine Mammal Twinning Final Partners’ Workshop

Scituate, MA – 16-18 October 2023

The Marine Mammal Twinning is pleased to announce its upcoming Final Partners’ Workshop that will be hosted at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary headquarters in Scituate, Massachusetts from 16-18 October 2023. The aim of the workshop will be to review the achievements and accomplishments of the Marine Mammal Twinning while holding discussions around the potential legacy of the project. 




Day 1: October 16, 2023

Opening & Welcoming Session

Session 1: Achievements of the Marine Mammal Twinning

Coffee Break

Session 2: The Self-Assessment Tool (SAT)


Session 3: Updates from Twinning Partners

 Coffee Break

Session 4: Brainstorming on the Future of the Twinning

Day 2: October 17, 2023

Field Trip to Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary onboard the Stellwagen Research Vessel

Day 3: October 18, 2023

Session 4: Brainstorming on the Future of the Twinning (Cont.)

Coffee Break

Session 5: Knowledge Exchange with Stellwagen Staff


Session 5: Knowledge Exchange with Stellwagen Staff (Cont.)


 Aerial photograph of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary HQ in Scituate, MA. Location of the Marine Mammal Twinning Partners’ Workshop. Source: NOAA 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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