Submit Your Data

The Marine Mammals Management Toolkit is composed of 4 components including the Self-Assessment Tool (SAT). The results of the SAT are able to inform managers on the effectiveness of various Area-based Management Tool management plans (or practitioners in the creation of management plans) with respect to the conservation of marine mammals. These results are valuable for guiding informed management decision. Beyond the localised context, these results, when combined, can also guide national, regional and or international policy by informing policy makers, practitioners, and networks of managers of commonalities in gaps in management plans, as well as strengths and common points of effectiveness. It is in this regard; the Toolkit wishes to collate the data of collective SATs undertaken by managers and practitioners on both spatial and temporal scales.

Whales © Hannes Klostermann

How to submit data

You are invited to contribute to the continual strengthening of the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit by submitting you SAT data and support a high-level data analysis to support other managers, policy makers and practitioners in identifying commonalities between ABMTs in terms of common strengths or gaps in management plans that can be used to focus future efforts and direct funding. The Toolkit will retain the submitted data internally and it will not be shared without prior permissions.

To submit your data, use the form below and provide your name, contact information, name of ABMT or area of application, as well as if this assessment was undertaken as a checklist exercise prior to ABMT establishment, for the development of an upcoming management plan or to assess an existing ABMT management plan. Here you will also have the opportunity to define your sharing permissions (Partial Use or Full Use) alongside any additional considerations. You will then be able to use the “Upload File” function to submit your completed Self-Assessment Tool (.xlsm).

For more information on data permissions and how the data will be used, please read the full “Submit Your Data” information sheet here

Data submission form

The data submission form is currently hidden whilst we fix an issue! In the meantime, please submit your data by email to 

Data Permissions

The infographic has been created to provided clarity on the use of the submitted data depending on the permissions provided by the user when submitting. 

The permissions associated with the submitted data can be adjusted at the discretion of the data provider. 

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