The Twinning Projects

The Marine Mammals Twinning is one of three twinning projects under the Ocean Governance project. The main focus of this twinning is to provide tools and capacity building for the inclusion of marine mammals in MPA management plans.

Atlantic humpback whale breaches off the coast of West Africa

Over a three-year period, this twinning aims to:

By working with its partners, the twinning has successfully produced a toolkit to use of MPA managers in their efforts to take marine mammals into account in MPA management plans. This toolkit is comprised of factsheets, good practices and a Self-Assessment Tool (SAT).

The factsheets are evolving information sources related to the principal threats, monitoring efforts both research and socio-economic based and management activities (enforcement and coordination). All related to marine mammals, they all include information on case studies, good practices and management ideas.

The good practices are clear examples of how MPAs/organisations have implemented new strategies, methods or techniques to successfully protect marine mammals from harm.

The Self-Assessment Tool is an Excel (and online) table, designed to show MPA managers how effective their MPA is at protecting marine mammals. Through a serious of scored questions, the managers will be able to see where their management plans may be lacking or if they are truly effective.

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