What of the following socio-ecolomic variables are monitored?
- commercial ship traffic (numbers, routes, sizes, speed, noise, vessel strikes)
- commercial fishing data (numbers of boats, locations, dates, types of fishery, types of devices used, by-catch.)
- commercial catch data (species, number/weight, date)
- whale watching (includes dolphins) data (number of boats, nuber of passengers, duration of season)
- economic value of whale watching (nationally, to region, local communities, flow-on effects).
- recreational fishing and other activities (numbers, number of days, locations)
- marine litter (rubbish types and amounts, ghost nets, other abandoned fishing gear) through space and time
- water quality (nutrient levels, other potential pollutants, salinity) through space and time
- scientific research (number of projects, monetary investment in research, research specific to marine mammals)