Towards effective management of marine mammals in the East Asia Seas: The Marine Mammals Management Toolkit

The Marine Mammal Twinning, part of the EU-funded Ocean Governance Project, is pleased to host a webinar in collaboration with The Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), and the North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN)North-East Asian Sub-Regional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC). The webinar will introduce the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit (developed by the Marine Mammal Twinning under the EU-funded Ocean Governance Project) as an innovative tool for the effective management of marine mammals in and around MPAs across the East Asian seas.

The Marine Mammals Management Toolkit is an online resource designed to help MPA managers and practitioners to better incorporate marine mammals into MPA management plans. It contains 4 components (Factsheets, Self-Assessment Tool (SAT), Good Practices and Community of Practice). It will provide MPA managers with tools and resources to support marine mammal management and conservation.

  • Date: Wednesday 29th November 2023
  • Time: 13:00 (UTC +7) | 15:00 (UTC +9)
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Language: English

Download the agenda in English (.pdf)



Welcome to the Webinar, overview of the agenda and housekeeping (3′)

Introduction from the co-hosts (10′):

  • The Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) / Working Group on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (WGMCE)
    Margarita Caballa, Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Lead, COBSEA Secretariat, UN Environment Programme

  • The North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN) / North-East Asian Sub-Regional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC)
    Mi-Jin Lee, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office / NEASPEC


The Importance of Marine Mammals in the East Asia seas (15′)

  • Marine Mammals in the East Asia Seas – Governance structures and policies for the protection of marine mammals in East Asia; a case study from Thailand (10’)
    • Dr Ellen Hines, Associate Director Estuary & Ocean Science Center, Professor, School of the Environment, San Francisco State University

  • Spotted seals in the Yellow Sea Ecoregion: An example of efforts to protect marine mammals (5’)
    • Professor Zhaohui Zhang, First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources of PR China

Introduction of the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit (15′)
Francis Staub – Marine Mammal Twinning

Guided use of the Self-Assessment Tool and SAT-LITE including interpretation of results (15′)
Tom Dallison – Marine Mammal Twinning

Testimonial of the application of the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit (10′)
Ben Haskell – Deputy Superintendent, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (recorded)

Questions and Answers Session (15′)

Concluding Remarks and Next Steps (5′)

  • Margarita Caballa,  Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Lead, COBSEA Secretariat, UN Environment Programme
  • Mi-Jin Lee, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office / NEASPEC

If you have any questions, pleased not hesitate to contact us.

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