Whales near cities consume microplastics daily

A new study by an international team of researchers led by the University of Auckland has found that whales in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf consume around 3 million microplastics every day. The researchers estimated microplastic exposure from prey and scats of whales using a stochastic simulation model, which led to the estimated daily ingestion rate of microplastics. […]

Webinar: Learnings from 30 years of investigating cetacean strandings

What: CSI of the Sea: what have we learnt from 30 years of investigating cetacean strandings? When: 11 Jan 2022 18:00 – 19:30 Where: Livestream on ZSL’s YouTube channel, which will be made available on the YouTube channel afterwards. How: Free, no registration needed. Cetaceans have been founded stranded around the UK coastline for centuries. But the role of human impacts in causing these […]

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