Whale strandings highlight an urgent need for practical solutions
In recent months, along the East Coast of the United States, humpback whales have been experiencing what’s known as an Unusual Mortality Event, with an elevated number of strandings being reported since 2016. While necropsies are still being performed, initial results from the Marine Mammal Stranding Center indicated that at least 2 whales of the recent strandings […]
Webinar: Learnings from 30 years of investigating cetacean strandings
What: CSI of the Sea: what have we learnt from 30 years of investigating cetacean strandings? When: 11 Jan 2022 18:00 – 19:30 Where: Livestream on ZSL’s YouTube channel, which will be made available on the YouTube channel afterwards. How: Free, no registration needed. Cetaceans have been founded stranded around the UK coastline for centuries. But the role of human impacts in causing these […]
The Vara2 Stranding App
The Vara2 Stranding App is presented as a guide tool, aimed not only at marine environment professionals and related personnel but also at common people so that they can properly attend animal stranding events and allow information to be collected in a correct and standardized.
Explore the Whale Safe Tool
Whale Safe is a tool that displays both visual and acoustic whale detections in the Santa Barbara Channel. It also includes a blue whale habitat model that predicts the likelihood of blue whale presence.