Jonas Von Werne - UNSPLASH

New Publication: Marine Mammals of Tanzania and Zanzibar


“The Marine Mammals of Tanzania and Zanzibar – an Illustrated Guide and Natural History” by Tim Davenport, is the first of its kind specifically targeting the United Republic of Tanzania. 

The original book was conceived in 2013 during the writing of “A Guide to the Large Mammals of Tanzania’ when the authors identified 18 species of marine mammal in Tanzanian waters. Since then, there have been taxonomic and conservation status changes and new research.

While the book features 28 species, it is likely that the list will grow with further study. In addition to the whales and dolphins, there is the dugong and one-eared seal, although the latter is a vagrant. Each species entry provides taxonomy, a description with maximum adult weights and lengths, habitat preference, distribution, the primary diet, the latest IUCN Red of Threatened Species listing, behaviour and information pertinent to Tanzania. There are also large sections on marine mammal natural history and conservation. as well as the key elements of carbon capture and sustainable whale/dolphin Tourism. The aim of the book is to inspire Tanzanians and non- Tanzanians alike to enjoy, appreciate, and help care for the nation’s seas and seascapes, and the extraordinary wildlife within them.

The book is available free of charge to education and government institutions in Tanzania, as well as communities, tourist guides, and relevant NGOs. To request a copy please visit the WIOMSA website.

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