Michele Roux / Ocean Image Bank

Marine Mammal Twinning and Commonwealth Blue Charter Webinar


On the 20th of June, the Marine Mammal Twinning will be hosting a training webinar in collaboration with the Commonwealth Blue Charter, with representatives from the Blue Charter Champion countries, and their MPA Action Group.

The webinar will introduce the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit, a capacity building resource aimed at empowering marine mammals and MPA practitioners to understand how well marine mammals are considered in MPA management plans.

The presentation consists of an introduction to the Toolkit’s four components (Factsheets, Self-Assessment Tool, Community of Practice and Good Practices), and attendees will have the opportunity to join our Community of Practice mailing group.

  • Welcoming and housekeeping remarks 

  • Introduction of co-hosts:

  • The Importance of Marine Mammals in the Caribbean – Dr Leo Brewster, Director of the Coastal Zone Management Unit in Barbados

  • Introduction of the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit – Francis Staub/Tom Dallison (Marine Mammal Twinning) 

  • Guided Use of the Self-Assessment Tool and SAT-Lite – Thomas Dallison (Marine Mammal Twinning)

  • Testimonial of the Application of the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit in the Commonwealth – Dr. Sarah Manuel PhD (Government of Bermuda, DENR)

  • Questions-and-Answers Session 

  • Concluding Remarks & Next Steps 

This webinar is open to everyone! Please follow the registration link below to sign up.

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