Webinar: Counting whales from space with SPACEWHALE

New webinar announced showcasing a new monitoring technique to monitor whales and other wildlife species from space – BioConsult’s new service SPACEWHALE counts whales and other wildlife species from space using satellite imagery. These images are screened and evaluated in a semi-automatic process combining state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and quality assurance by marine mammal experts. SPACEWHALE […]

Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species releases new assessment

The Marine Mammal team for the Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (GoMMAPPS) just published their report on at-sea and aerial surveys that took place in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico between 2017-2018. Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) […]

Blue whales return to the Seychelles

Blue whales – the largest animals on Earth – are making their home in a part of the Indian Ocean where they were wiped out by whaling decades ago. Researchers and filmmakers in the Seychelles captured footage of the whales in 2020 and 2021. It features in the Imax film Blue Whales 3D. But a […]

Whales and dolphins survey concluded successfully for Upolu and Savaii Islands

The Samoa Ocean Strategy 2020 – 2030 (SOS) underlines the vital importance of monitoring and researching marine life as integral elements of its overarching strategic priorities. In line with this commitment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and Conservation International successfully […]

NOAA and US Navy launch new web portal for SanctSound

26th April 2022 –  NOAA and the U.S. Navy are pleased to announce the launch of a new web portal for the Sanctuary Soundscape Monitoring Project, or SanctSound. The portal allows the public to listen to underwater sounds and learn more about how sound monitoring can be an important tool in the protection of national […]

A genetic study about coastal groups of bottlenose dolphins in Iroise

The Iroise Natural Marine Park hosts two coastal groups of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) which are present all year around the island of Sein and the archipelago of Molène. There are only three groups of coastal bottlenose dolphins in mainland France (8 in Europe): two in Iroise and one in the Normand-Breton Gulf. A 4th […]

CETIROISE: Listening to cetaceans in the Iroise Sea

The Iroise Natural Marine Park hosts 2 coastal bottlenose dolphin groups, but is also an important area for other cetacean such as common dolphins, harbour porpoises, fin whales, Risso’s dolphins, pilot whales… These species are threatened by bycatching, disturbances, noise pollution, ship collisions… Knowledge of these species is still difficult to acquire. It is also […]

New study determines parentage, age, and survival of North Atlantic right whales

A new study provides insight into North Atlantic right whale calf survival, growth rates, and life history, demonstrating the power of genetic sampling for this critically endangered species. The study, led by the New England Aquarium analysed all North Atlantic right whale calves born between 1988 and 2018 and categorised the animals based on genetic samples […]

Real-Time Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in the Mediterranean

Toby Matthews | Ocean Image Bank

The passive acoustic monitoring of cetaceans is a research method that can provide unique information on the animal’s behaviour since the animals can be studied at great depths and at a long-range without interference. Nevertheless, the real-time data collection, transfer, and analysis using these techniques are difficult to implement and maintain. In this paper, “Real-Time […]

CARI’MAM Acoustic Survey Video

CARI’MAM have released a new video exampling acoustic sampling of Cetaceans in the Caribbean. The <5 minute video provides an insight into the survey methods utilised within the CARI’MAM network, the equipment for acoustic surveys and the process from collecting and analysing the data to utilising the results.  Watch below or visit CARI’MAM’s YouTube channel […]

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