26th April 2022 – NOAA and the U.S. Navy are pleased to announce the launch of a new web portal for the Sanctuary Soundscape Monitoring Project, or SanctSound. The portal allows the public to listen to underwater sounds and learn more about how sound monitoring can be an important tool in the protection of national marine sanctuaries.
This portal is a product of a three-year project involving over 50 scientists from 23 institutions. During this groundbreaking effort, researchers from NOAA and our partners collected and analyzed underwater recordings from seven sites across the National Marine Sanctuary System.
Underwater sound monitoring is already helping NOAA better manage these special places in the ocean; for example, these data have helped us better understand prevalence of large marine mammals in Stellwagen Bank, characterize visitor use in Gray’s Reef, and assess fish abundance in the Florida Keys.
Find out more >> https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/science/monitoring/sound/