33 New IMMAs Announced – SW Atlantic

15 Sept. 2023. New Important Marine Mammal Areas—33 IMMAs in total—have been identified and are now on the map of the South West Atlantic Ocean from the Guianas, north of the Brazilian Amazon, to the tip of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. This is the final result from a year-long process, including an intensive week-long scientific […]

NW Mediterranean PSSA Designated to Protect Whales

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has designated the North-Western Mediterranean Sea as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) to reduce collisions between ships and endangered whales. The decision, proposed by Spain, France, Italy, and Monaco, aims to address the major cause of mortality for sperm whales and fin whales in this region, which is collisions […]

A New Cooperation Framework for Mobile Species from MedPAN

The Network of Marine Protected Areas managers in the Mediterranean (MedPAN) has recently published a cooperation framework for the conservation of mobile species, including a code of conduct and a model cooperation agreement for data sharing and monitoring of marine turtles. The cooperation framework is intended to promote cooperation and date sharing for the conservation […]

Chile established new MPA to protect blue whales

After more than two decades of conservation efforts, the Chilean government approved the establishment of a new marine protected area (MPA) in Patagonia for the safeguarding of an important breeding and feeding areas for blue whales.  that will safeguard an important feeding and breeding area for the endangered blue whales.  Located south of the island […]

Urgent need to effectively manage shipping activities within MPAs

Shipping is one of the main threats faced by marine mammals, specifically in the form of ship strikes, as well as through noise and chemical pollution. The underwater noise created by ships is significant. At normal cruising, propellers produce low frequency noise – which can be as high 190 decibels, much louder than a jet […]

Congo creates first Marine Protected Areas

The Republic of the Congo has created its first ever Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), supported by a research team including the University of Exeter and the Wildlife Conservation Society. The three new MPAs will protect more than 4,000 square km (1,500 square miles) off the West African coast—covering 12% of Congo’s Exclusive Economic Zone. The […]

New MPA announced in Uruguay Whale & Dolphin Sanctuary

At the United Nations Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, Uruguay announced a commitment to protecting 10% of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), with a new marine protected area encompassing 12,000 km2 with 60% as a no take zone.  The commitment, made by Adrián Peña, Minister of Environment, is part of the announced roadmap, the Uruguay Azul 2030, […]

Importance of Yarari Sanctuary for Minke Whales

A new collaborative study provides new insight into how two species of minke whales utilize the Caribbean and neighboring Atlantic waters throughout their life cycle. The findings add further conservation value and significance to the relatively new Yarari marine sanctuary of the Netherlands. By combining scientific, citizen science and public information, this study provides key […]

158 Marine mammal areas

The IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force announce this month the publication of a scientific paper as well as the production of a comprehensive brochure detailing their work to introduce the new tool of Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) in service of global biodiversity conservation.

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